I posted this without a title :P

I've been sitting here with a blank post open for a few days, trying to think of a story to tell to make my life sound interesting. 
I mean, here I am, 3,000 miles away from my hometown. In the last month, I've been through 3 national parks, like 10 states (? I can't even keep track anymore), 4 different time zones....
It's insane.
And yet, I try to write something about what I'm up to, and all that comes to mind is how snuggly my cat is.  

I'm ridiculous, I know.

Anyway, you've all heard plenty about my trek west and seen all the pictures. That's not so much what my life is about these days although that would be ideal in the future. 

Right now, life is a hot cup of ginger tea and video games. It's overcast skies, with crows swooping past my windows. It's endless rainstorms, with the cat purring in my lap. It's watching the leaves change to vibrant oranges and reds, and fall from the trees, floating gently to the ground like raindrops. It's watching my orchid go through it's life cycle; dropping it's blossoms one by one and putting it's energy into growing a new baby leaf instead! 
I can't think of any one word to describe my life right now. On the surface, it's Amazing. Calm, Peaceful, almost Gentle. I'm in a resting phase. I've been through a lot, not just in the past month, but in my entire life, and the universe is finally taking a break from beating me up.  I can't wait to see where life on the West Coast leads me- I'm hoping to a nice sandy beach with a pina colada (I'm gonna be 21 in a couple months?!) but we'll see haha ;)

Maybe I'll make a post soon about the trip cross country, if only to preserve some memories here on the blog. 


  1. Oh, Cassie. I love your writing. Everything feels so real and vivid, even though it's words on a computer screen. Makes me miss ya more <3 And I fully support this period of rest. You deserve it!


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