preconceived notions

I'm always relearning things when I make art... probably because I haven't fully learned it in the first place. 
I know that you aren't supposed to compare your work to other work, and yet I do it anyway. 

I know I need to stop having a preconceived notion of how I want a painting or drawing to look and yet I do it anyway. 

These are probably the hardest things to learn in the art world...and also the hardest things to learn in life as well. Take preconceived notions for example, a lot of the times there's things I expect out of an experience, things I expect out of my future, my choices, my desires, my day to day life... time and time again the world will yield something different from what I expected - of course it isn't always a bad thing. Just like how I would expect a work of art to turn out one way and maybe see it turn out better than I hoped... or worse than I hoped. The problem is when I waste a lot of energy trying to pin down what I want from something. The energy, no matter how insignificant, will always be a waste. Because I really cannot know what to expect of something until that something is right in front of me. Only then can I examine it, learn from it, enjoy it...
That isn't saying I shouldn't have goals or desires... it's saying I shouldn't have rigid expectations for those goals and desires. It's not about being disappointed so much as it's about being able to see things for what they are, embracing unpredictability and realizing things you may have otherwise never noticed. 
The clearest example is illustrated through my desire to be an artist (full circle woah). I make presumptions about what being an artist even means, and before I arrive at an answer I come to a stopping point - where once again I'm shown another facet of questioning and an angle of truth that was previously hidden. So maybe I'll never know but I think I can begin to get comfortable with that...
And this comfort should carry over to my work as well - putting an end to how I think things should look and how I think they should be looked at. It's a hard lesson to learn - unpredictability - but perhaps it's also a place for new ideas to breed. 


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