
Showing posts from 2018

what the the fuck...

The common theme of my thoughts lately is a limbo between "what the fuck do I want?" and "how the fuck do I get it?" it really what I want? *repeat* Personal growth in your 20s is a lot more confusing and existe ntial that personal growth in your teens...all growth is valid of course, but it just gets more confusing as years go by and more knowledge is collected. It's ironic that the more we learn, the less we know.... "Time passing is knowledge gained, but if that can't translate into wisdom-- what's the point?  We tell our children that they can be whatever they want when they  grow up, without helping foster passion and aspiration. Fast forward to 18, "What are you going to do after high school?" *crickets* Fast forward to 22, "What are you going to do after college?" *tears* How are we supposed to know, when we're still so young?"